RealWorld Expertise.LAN/Expertise.SQL
General Ledger
Generate financial statements and reports that reflect the profitability of your
company. You can easily define, consolidate and report information from individual
departments, divisions, or subsidiary companies, and provide variable consolidation
percentages for each entity.
- Ten user-definable fields per master record are available.
- Transaction detail can be edited prior to posting. Period processing controls can be
selected to prevent users from posting to closed periods by entity. Each batch can be
posted in detail or in summary per journal. Each transaction can include optional
multi-line description and class fields for detailed reporting. All journal entries can be
- Four budgets per account/period can restrict activity for a user, preventing over-budget
posting. Budgets can be imported from spreadsheets (using DDE links), and both original
and revised amounts can be tracked.
- A full complement of standard reports are provided with General Ledger, including the
Cash Flow Statement.
- General Ledger can maintain an unlimited number of checking accounts for each company
with banking information. Users can select any checking account when making deposits or
writing checks. Cash resource management features are included.
- Information available on-line includes inception-to-date account activity reports
(summary or detail), balance information of an unlimited number of periods, unlimited
journals with auto-posting accounts, account control by sub- or supporting module options,
and notes of up to 4,000 characters attached to each General Ledger account.
- General Ledger integrates with Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Fund Accounting,
Data Manager, Inventory Management, Payroll, Point of Sale, Purchase Order, and Sales
- Chart of accounts can be entered or copied by department. Beginning balances can be
created during account entry, even for prior periods.
- 12-digit account numbers are supported.
- Currency conversion works with both function and reporting currency for what-if?
- Five-digit decimals in statistical and currency formats are supported. Different
currencies and account numbers can be consolidated.
- Date-sensitive general ledger processing allows for prior year or month, or future year
or month. Optional descriptions can be entered during processing. Validity checking for
account, journal, department and balance is available. A prompt shows the effect of a
transaction on the account balance.
- Account, department, checking or journal detail can be viewed.
- Standard and user-defined reports can be sent to disk, previewed or printed. Multiple
reports can print concurrently.
- Subtotaling accounts or any out-of-range variable is handled.
- Passwords can protect reports by user, company or file access rights. Subtotaling,
accumulation and percent evaluation can be controlled with user variable.
- User-defined transaction detail can be maintained.
- Data from other packages including accounts, departments, checking or journal details
can be incorporated.
- General Ledger Extensions
- The standard General Ledger module supports 12-digit General Ledger account codes. The
account numbers are comprised of the account numbers and the separation characters. Users
may purchase the 12-digit module and then add the extensions for 25 or 50 digits.
- Additional data security is provided through account segment restrictions, such as
limiting user access according to characters in the account codes.