'AutomaticallyNameLogFiles.txt . A vbs script that uses the standard Windows NT DOS 'date and time functions to automatically name log files with the current date and time. 'Please rename this file to "AutomaticallyNameLogFiles.vbs" for use. 'By George Christie dim sDateNow WScript.Echo "Date: " & year(Now) & month(Now) & day(Now) 'WScript.Echo "Time: " & hour(Now) & ":" & minute(now) sDateNow = year(Now) & month(Now) & day(Now) 'Open file for writing with name in format of date.log Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(sDateNow + ".log", true, false) 'Write to the file objTextFile.Write "String to write in textfile" & vbCrLF objTextFile.Write sDateNow 'Close File objTextFile.Close()